Swenson Shear for Cutting Roofing Metal #Shorts

Type of shears that Phil uses to cut metal. Hi guys. This is another tool I don’t use very often, but it’s called a Swenson shear, s-w-e-n-s-o-n shear And you can change the profiles to the metal that you’re cutting with this. This is used for cutting metal, metal roofing, metal siding for commercial metal … Read more

Quick Run Through Curved Metal Roof #Shorts

Updated 2-6-23 This is the fastest run through on a metal roof. I never would have thought the guys could hit everything needed, but they DID! So you can do a metal roof on a rounded roof mobile home. Let me show you how. You’re going to use one by fours that are sixteen foot … Read more

Completed Commercial Metal Roof

Completed Commercial Metal Roof

Updated 1-12-23

Walk through of the complete metal roof. This is the end of a big commercial roof.

00:00 Walk through on the roof
00:15 Some of the penetrations we had
00:50 To the end of one side of the roof
01:30 The L-shaped part of the roof
02:24 Ground view of the roof

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