Using Pergo Flooring for Releveling #Shorts

Updated 1-30-23

Using flooring to Relevel a trailer.

Hey, as opposed to using sometimes wedges, oak wedges and things that might compress. I did find that this old pogo snap together floor, this stuff does not and I repeat, does not crush much at all. It’s already compressed as hard as it can be. So a lot of times you can use this to get really, really close, if not eliminate a wedge.

And this is stuff that I took from floors that were badly damaged or they just want to change them to something more durable. So you might consider using this type of snap together floor, floating floor system, if it’s hard like this is to put on top to keep you from using as much crushable material on the very top of your peers when you’re jacking up.

But anyway, there you go. Another little tip.

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