Covering Ductwork on A Budget End

Here Phil’s cleaning and dressing up some ductwork on a budget. Using metal roofing materials to replace what the customer had.

00:00 Intro
00:12 Working on the ductwork
00:40 Covering up the front now that all ductwork is sealed up
00:55 Everything is sealed and covered up
01:15 Now, they have something that will last a while
01:30 And will improve property value

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So now, we’re now we’re getting all the ductwork sealed up. There’s no exposed pipes or anything. Everything’s wrapped up. All the edges are that insulation is sealed with foil type. And there’s a lot of problems all the way through there, underneath. So we’re getting there now. We’ll be covering up the front of this and it won’t be particularly high dollar because I’m trying to keep us on budget, but it will look way better than it did.

Profile is the best side. So anyway, the metal makes it look a lot better. If you notice everything is kind of square. It’s now. Animal proof, probably person proof. That would have been a great hide-hole for a homeless person. Animals made a mess of all the ductwork. We spent hours sealing that all up, but now it’s got something that is going to last for a while.

Everything’s going to be appraising for better. So whenever the appraisers come out to say hey, this property looks like it’s worth this much. Doesn’t look as bad as what they had before. Frankenstein, “It’s ALIVE!!” kind of thing. So, here we are on a budget. I’ll probably charge him $200 for the materials and and then labor and then more. We’ll have a better situation. We can go to the bank with.

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