How to Remove Water Damaged Subfloor Bathroom

The guys are removing a water damaged mobile home bathroom floor in this video. It’s always surprising how much rotted wood can be under what looks like a safe floor. We will be completely remodeling the mobile home bathroom. You can follow along with the entire job here: Phil has several tips and tricks … Read more

Water Damaged Subfloor In Mobile Home – How do I Check it

Updated 12-30-23 Start of a bathroom remodel in a mobile home. Once he looked at the bathroom, we knew the subfloor would need replaced. Phil shows you with the level exactly how he can tell the subfloor has gotten wet at some point. Any particle board water damage you can always see where it is … Read more

Always Check Floors Under Tile In Mobile Home

Always Check Floors Under Tile In Mobile Home

Updated 1-24-23

When working on the floors in a trailer, always check the under the tile. Whenever you have a leak, make sure to check the floor under the linoleum… You may have a much larger problem than you think.

00:00 They are tired, late night wiring another house last night
00:15 Another bathroom, slightly unique shape
00:55 Tools you need and are great to have on hand
01:35 This is what it looks like under the flooring
02:00 The toilet has been leaking for a while
02:30 No leaks showing under the sink
03:08 An hour later
03:23 Show you how to support under a rounded tub
03:45 Plywood by the toilet rotted through
04:00 The cabinet was supported, which is unusual.
04:18 They use particle board because it’s cheaper
04:30 That’s quality, and you have to pay for that
04:55 Rounded tub to support
05:35 Want the board under each corner
06:08 Don’t worry about why the different size wood, just us recycling materials

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You have to excuse us, because we’re both kind of goofy. We stayed up till nine o’clock, 9:30 last night doing wiring, on a house somebody else did the wiring or fixing the plugs. And it took us a long time, put a new panel in. Anyway, we’re on the bathroom again. I imagine that. Slightly different shape than some. It has a round the corner tub that nobody uses.

It’s got a shower and I guess that’s what they use it for. Unless you have a tankless water heater, you’re not likely to fill that tub to stay warm in it. And anyway, we’re here to fix what you see, which is the obvious problems in the floor. And this is what they’ve done to get through. We’ll show you what it looks like when we pull the vinyl up, and along the way.

So you’ll need things like a sawzall. You don’t have to. You can do it with a hammer and chisel. The chisile is, and the hammer is always good to have do that no matter what. Screw gun, screws. Inch and a half and three inch. We’ll end up replacing the toilet in here because they wanted to. So, we’ll need a wax ring. Generally, you will need to allow for a lot of two-by-fours all along. And I, I’ve got two full sheets of plywood just for this room. So we’ll take you along with us.

Beneath that linoleum. This is what I look like. We have not broken anything down. This is what it looked like. And then it’s soaked all the way over here and all the way over there and kind of through here. They’re using the shower. So on the edges of the shower or over here, it’s been leaking down in there, but it’s looking like the toilet leaked for a regular basis. But we will open it up and see if we’ve got a water spray in somewhere. But this is really, really wet and it there’s no damage on that. So it can’t be like running off and then hitting that.

It’s got to be that the toilet was leaking. There’s no leaks inside here, that we found the floor in here. It’s pretty solid, actually. I don’t know how. So there’s no leaks on the water lines are not wet. The drains are not showing any kind of a leak, but it’s as wet as it can be. I assume that since this was the only toilet that he was using.

That’s what it is. So we’re going to tear all this out, see if we can find something else. But I’ll bet it’s the toilet just hitting that, and soaking around and we can wicking back like toilet paper.

Just about an hour later, you guys. Sawzall’s, hammers, chisels, pry bars. We’ve pulled all that off, cleaned it up against the wall. We’ll end up putting two bys along the wall and I’ll show you that.

Probably show you how I come up with ways to cut along a rounded tub and have support underneath that. I’ll show you how to do that. But it’s quite obvious that it was the toilet that was leaking. If you look and see how all of the board that was put in here to support it actually had a piece of plywood instead of particle board here.

And it was rotted through. You can put a hammer through it, but all this wood is just all soaked. And the toilet was leaning back that way, but it wicks back through that particle board all the way over to here. It got less and less as it got away from. There’s actually support underneath the cabinet, which is unusual.

So they were trying to do high quality, but particle board is just not the answer. Inch thick particle board is not the answer. And the reason they’re doing that, not because it’s an inch thick, but the reason they use particle board, it’s cheaper. They shouldn’t. They should use plywood, it will be laminate when it gets water on it, but it will hold up better.

And that quality and you pay for it, you know, it probably would cost them three or $400 more to use plywood and they’re not doing it. Shame on them, but we’re overcoming it. So here’s what we’re doing and I’ll take you along with us.

The camera. Oh, we have this round the tub, that it’s a question on how to do it. So what I’ve done, how did we get support under it? Is I went ahead and gave myself a lot of extra because I want to kind of go to an angle like so. And so, I told him like 32 inch board, and this is what this is and then I’m going to put. Some of it’s going to end up going underneath. Say that area. So I’ll lay it up there and then I reach under and market it with a pencil. In this case, I messed up, flip that over because I want that all the way to that corner. Corner to corner mark underneath.

So I’m going to say, No, don’t do that. There’s our angle. So he’ll cut there and there, then we’ll put screws into it and they’ll be supported It never had before.

With a lot of two by material in here. Please don’t worry about the reasons why I might have put different sized wood. It’s just me recycling. Like, for instance, 2x12s that came out of a shelf that somebody had me haul off that you can move with one finger.

It wasn’t put together, right? But two by fours are just fine. Two bys is definitely what you need. You have to a six is some treated, not treated. These are all leftovers from decks. But anyway we’ve got lots of support all the way around now. We’re getting ready to do the plywood.