Water Damaged Subfloor In Mobile Home – How do I Check it

Updated 12-30-23 Start of a bathroom remodel in a mobile home. Once he looked at the bathroom, we knew the subfloor would need replaced. Phil shows you with the level exactly how he can tell the subfloor has gotten wet at some point. Any particle board water damage you can always see where it is … Read more

Damaged Flooring Repair Tear Out

Updated 1-30-23 The guys are putting in a new floor. ? Subscribe, ?, it helps a lot!!➤❓/ ?: ask@straightarrowrepair.com➤ Follow https://straightarrowrepair.com/pipf ➤➤I get a little for the channel-no charge for you if you use the links:➤➤Shop Amazon https://amzn.to/3CxD1T4➤➤Tool lists & recommended products? https://straightarrowrepair.com/0lvf