Setting Up Double Wide Mobile Home

Story time, and time to get to know Phil just a little better. ⏱️⏱️Chapters⏱️⏱️00:00 Intro00:12 Comedy: that is his life00:22 One point he was setting up a lot of mobile homes close to 20001:05 Going to Little Rock to meet the mobile home mover01:30 Get out to the site02:00 First half went on pretty easy02:30 … Read more

What those Tub Cracks Can Hide in Mobile Homes

In this video you get to see just how bad things can be when your mobile home tub has cracks and leaks. Okay so we’ve took the surround out in the tub and you can see where the seam was it wasn’t holding was leaking so it’s rotted out this two by here, the support … Read more

What You Can Do With A Small Mobile Home

Phil walks you through a project we have improving an old late 60’s early 70’s mobile home. He shows you where the original owners added to it over a 20 year period. Then walks you through some of the things we have done and are doing to improve the property even more. ⏱️⏱️Chapters⏱️⏱️00:00 Intro00:12 A … Read more

How to build an 8’x10′ Deck for your home, mobile home, or building

How to build an 8'x10' Deck for your home, mobile home, or building

Updated 1-12-23

How to build a budget deck on your home, mobile home or building. We walk you through step-by-step how to build a diy deck.

This deck is 8×10 but you can change to fit the needs of your diy project.

00:00 How to layout the deck
00:45 We’ll cut to frame up the deck and fastening it to the wall
01:06 Framed up wooden deck
01:46 Attaching the deck to Mobile home frame
03:00 Bracing up the wooden deck frame
03:20 How you could set the deck frame by yourself
03:30 Want to level/adjust the frame and the put 8″ lag bolts with washers
04:00 How they are going to secure the deck
04:15 Using an Electric Impact from Harbor Freight
05:00 Adding blocks and 4×4 to secure
06:05 Cut 4x4s to 36″

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