Replacing Mobile Home Tub – Size and drain info

Phil explains what you need to watch for when ordering a tub for your mobile home.

00:00 Intro
00:12 Replacing a mobile home bathtub
00:29 What you need to know for ordering
01:00 Going to take the tub and surround out to check the floor-there will be damage
01:24 Follow us

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Glad to have you here. We’re going to travel to this little project. And this is replacing the bathtub, which has a center drain. We’re going to turn it to the left-hand drain. which when you face the tub, the drains on the left or the drains on the right. That’s how you order. Now, this is not a regular 60 inch tub.

It’s smaller, so you have to get that size, which I think is 54 inches. And again, your tub surround would have to be to be one, not one that will shrink down to 54 on the back side. So keep that in mind when you go to get your tub location of the drain the size of the tub and then the surround.

So, we’re going to take all this out. We’ll see what we got to repair under the floor. If you notice it patched up all the fiberglass and it didn’t hold. If you watch some of my other videos, you’ll know why generally that means the floor is bad underneath and we’ll have to get plywood and fix all that. But this is what we’re doing.

We’re taking it apart

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