Mobile Home Skirting Ideas

Not only can metal skirting make your mobile home warmer, it can also be used as an accent. Here’s an idea of what you can do with a mobile home skirting job to improve the looks of your home.

00:00 Follow along with a handyman
00:25 How much metal skirting can improve the looks of your home
01:05 Be an American not an American’t

Hi, I’m Phil bridges, owner of Straight Arrow Repair. Ever want to know how a repairman fixes things? Well come with me, and I’ll show you how I solve problems. Let’s make things better together.

OK, a windy day, but we got it done the black skirting, trim, j-channel, it didn’t take any time. If you need to know details on how to cut some of the angles and such which we didn’t have here. There’s several other videos that I’ve got that shows you how, but you see. How pretty it can look as an accent? Let’s go down this other side. Very, very durable tada You can do to.

This is Phil Bridges, if you like what you saw and think it might be helpful to somebody else, push that like button and let other people know what you and I know, and we’ll work together toward making a brighter future. By the way, we’re not Amera-Can’ts We Americans see you next time.

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